Can anybody tell me what is node in Algorithms?
8 ответов
+ 3
I've never heard term "node" with Python. It is more used with markup languages, where it refers to a collection of elements (tags).
+ 3
A node in python is a container in a linked list, its also a programmer made class. each node has two attributes:
cargo - the value or values the node is holding
next - the next node in the linked list the current node is linked to.
+ 2
If node term was actually used with python it could refer to the indented blocks after colons : .
if condition:
this is node
I self use term "code block".
+ 1
Node is a tag, which contains other tags or text.
<title> Some title </title>
<p> Some paragraph <p>
html is the node of tags head and body.
head is the node of tag title.
body is the node of tag p.
title is the node of text "Some title".
p is the node of text "Some paragraph".
explain me that
It didn’t help
If you're talking about node.js, then it's a Javascript framework, and it has nothing to deal with python.