+ 1
What other programming languages do you think SoloLearn should cover?
I wish SoloLearn had a Lua course. Any other languages you think SoloLearn should have a course on?
5 ответов
+ 3
If you're looking for Lua programming, there is a free Lua book on the website, and plenty of tutorials to get you started. I learned Lua a bit ago, and it's not too hard to understand. SoloLearn is trying to implement new languages, however, it's not the easiest thing in the world. Also, Lua has a few things that other languages don't (such as coroutines and metatables) that make it a little harder to implement.
+ 2
there are 721 Lang. in world and it is not cover at all
+ 1
+ 1
Where on the sololearn website is the lua book located?