If user enters something which is in a dictionary and that thing is already in a dictionary, then how to print in python..
d2={"Tomato":"Tamatar", "Carrot":"Gajar", "Potato":"Aloo", "Junk Food":{"Bhajiya Paw":"bp","Paw Bhaji":"PB","Vada Paw":"vp"}} meaning=input("enter the name :") And now if user enters Bhajiya Paw .?
6 ответов
+ 7
Sorry to say ~ swim ~ , but the dict we have as sample is a nested dict, so the code does not work:
if 'Bhajiya Paw' in d2.keys(): # can not find this key, as it is a nested dict
print('Bhajiya Paw')
print(d2["Bhajiya Paw"]) #will print "bp" => keyError !
The code to check for 'Bhajiya Paw' should be like this:
for inner in d2.items():
if meaning in inner[1]:
print('meaning already exists')
+ 6
I have prepared a file with some samples, to give you a better understanding how it works. Simple dicts with key / values as int, float or string is not a problem. But in our case we have an other (nested) dictionary as 'value', this is a bit special. And sorry for the delay.
+ 5
Akash Dubey , what do you want to input, and what do you like to get back? Just give me a short sample. Thanks!
Lothar is not there any way other than you have mention....to call the word from the nested dictionary.?