I would like to know how I can find the length of an integer in C. For instance: 1 => 1 ;25 => 2;1251 => 4;0 => 1 and so on.
Like is there any command for int like strlength for char ,
4 ответов
+ 3
Although there is not by inbuilt function to do so but you can either use Robert Atkins 's method or just do some maths and use ( log10() ) for that, like this👇
int len = ceil(log10(num));
⚠️ This will not work for some edge cases, just put a *if-else* for them (I leave them to you )
+ 2
Robert Atkins there are a ton of uses of log in maths.
Just have a look at this👇 for some of the general applications.
+ 1
Arsenic what is the purpose of logarithms? I know in big O log2n is a decent runtime, but as far actual mathmatically application i only took pre calc and wasnt really focused.
Counter = 0
While number / 10 >= 1
Number /= 10
Its somewhere along those lines, if you provide your own attempt i would be more than happy to help you out further, ill put in as much effort to help you as you put in to help yourself.