+ 6

Which is better OOP or POP

Which one is better object oriented programming or procedure oriented programming. I am intermidiate at python programming but not that good in Object oriented programming, so is it worth learning OOP as I am comfortable without it.

11th Sep 2020, 5:08 PM
Aditya Raut
13 ответов
+ 17
If you learn OOP then please choose another language than python. Actually u should learn a 2nd language and a oop language would be right choice. As we Germans say: Auf einem Bein kann man nicht stehen U cant stand on one leg.
11th Sep 2020, 5:33 PM
Oma Falk
Oma Falk - avatar
+ 13
OOP has more features like bottom up approach, inheritance, encapsulation, use of access specifiers and many more! You can see the difference and understand the same. Thanks. http://www.differencebetween.net/technology/difference-between-oop-and-pop/
11th Sep 2020, 5:18 PM
Aditya - avatar
+ 6
OOP is easy for designing "systems" where different components interact with each other in specified ways. With the added bonus of modularity, OOP is the de jure approach for designing most types of applications except the simple ones. While Python supports OOP, the developer experience is lower than what you will get with languages like C++, Java, or C#. Python favors functional programming over OOP. Functional programming is also an interesting paradigm that utilizes functions in clever ways. FP is mainly common in scripting languages.
11th Sep 2020, 6:32 PM
Ore - avatar
+ 6
OOP is better But as Rei said While writing small scripts don't use oop as it might complicate it sometimes. I experienced it myself. You must know when to use what
13th Sep 2020, 8:58 AM
OfcourseitsRohit - avatar
+ 4
dont use OOP when writing small script, sometimes its easy to overcomplicate your logic but OOP will come in handy for sure, especially when coding a gui
11th Sep 2020, 5:38 PM
Rei - avatar
+ 3
My answer is yes. You really should learn OOP. You need OOP to write secure code. OOP is the focal point of other programming languages such as Java, so if you want keep learning programming languages you will need a good understanding and knowledge of OOP. https://techdifferences.com/difference-between-oop-and-pop.html#ComparisonChart https://medium.com/from-the-scratch/oop-everything-you-need-to-know-about-object-oriented-programming-aee3c18e281b https://realpython.com/python3-object-oriented-programming/
11th Sep 2020, 5:24 PM
Феникс - avatar
+ 3
oop is better
13th Sep 2020, 12:17 PM
_divya_areti_ - avatar
+ 2
Even after being an intermediate python developer you do not have enough confidence in your oops concepts is not your fault. Because in Python OOPs concepts are tricky, and it also miss class functionalities like private, public and protected. I started my programming journey with C++ where i learned everything about OOP and its features. Right now you will feel comfortable without OOP but when you explore Advance Libraries you will realize how important OOPs concpets are. So I would suggest you to learn OOP before you move further in your programming career. It is also very important because mostly all high-level programming languages supports Object oriented Programming and there is a reason behind it or else C was also enough powerful to do everything.
12th Sep 2020, 7:18 AM
Vinay Khatri
Vinay Khatri - avatar
+ 2
Thanks everybody for clearing my doubts
13th Sep 2020, 2:46 PM
Aditya Raut
+ 1
13th Sep 2020, 4:04 PM
Aarav Baid
Aarav Baid - avatar
Hello, Neither POP nor OOP are programming languages, so to make the question itself a non-sense. Rather, those are paradigms many languages are based on. POP stands for Procedural-Oriented Programming, whose languages are also referred to as procedural languages, whereas OOP stands for Object-Oriented Programming. The former consists of having a set of procedures and basing your program merely on them. This can result in messy code, as it's easy to end up with a bunch of wrongly-named procedures when it comes to POP. OOP is instead about objects. Theoretically, an object is something that's got its own state that can either change (mutable objects) or remain unchanged (immutable object). In the latter case, the whole of the data that's part of the state of an immutable object has to be specified when the object itself is being created. That's why most Object-Oriented languages support constructors, which are basically functions that must return a new instance of a class (i.e. an object whose type is that class, where classes are definitions of objects, describing what their state is made by and what they can do, through methods) every time it's invoked. There isn't a better one, even though reading this you might argue I left you think OOP is the best, maybe because I really love it and I prefer it to any other paradigm, but that's going to fall in subjective, irrelevant thoughts. The most important thing is, try both of them, take the best of them, and eventually choose whichever you'd rather in your everyday coding, as long as it fits your purpose. I hope this will help to you
21st Sep 2020, 5:00 AM
Ishan Shah
Ishan Shah - avatar
- 5
POP means plaster of paris , CuSO<sub>4</sub>.(1/2)H<sub>2</sub>O
13th Sep 2020, 4:10 AM
Priyanshu Gupta(प्रियांशु गुप्ता)
Priyanshu Gupta(प्रियांशु गुप्ता) - avatar