+ 5
SLNews hacked?
SoloLearn might be hacked. I got a message request from SLNews that says something about MD service where you can earn bitcoins if you deposit money in advance. It seems like a classic phishing attempt. Just thought it needed a mention. Malicious link: <redacted>
24 ответов
+ 13
sad part is, we can report it and get the account taken down, but they can just as easily make a dummy acount and send this stuff out again. Just need to raise awareness so others that may not know can stay on point.
+ 9
JSt- ore
Is this that who messaged?
If yes no need to worry it's simply a fake account which a newly joined user is using under the name SL News. Just something kinda advertising.
No need to get afraid.
It's just a fake account run by a user
Moreover it's illegal use official SL names or SL pic as your pfp so you can also report it
+ 6
JSt- ore
Yeah so stay away from such fake links :P
+ 5
Thank you, those bit.ly links are usually trash. Id send a screenshot to info@sololean.com, well, I am as well.
+ 5
Marlyn L That's because it was a fake id and the user has been deactivated under the offense impersonation
+ 4
JSt- ore not a good idea on mobile...
I doubt some script kiddie could make a real malicious link, but I'd keep your virus investigations on a vm. You never know
+ 4
Slick I agree completely. ;)
+ 4
so i'm not the only one, yes its really fishy name.
i wonder if the culprit trying to be smart by targeting only silver user and lower
+ 3
Yeah. Hopefully people will be cautious.
+ 3
i got a message from SLNews and i thought it was part of the app so i clicked :( the message is still in my message requests but i cant delete it and it says i cant message the sender. am i hacked?!
+ 3
Marlyn L don't worry. Really you should be fine. Most of those links are used to link to other sites and whoever posted it gets paid off the traffic.
☆ GURSEERIT ☆ That would be some deterent to keep riff raff out, but a few steps with a router or a vpn would just make ip blocking useless
+ 3
Just decline and block SLnews
+ 2
Hello JSt- ore ,
Did you recieve any dm message like that?
+ 1
hmmmm okay but i had clicked on the link and then when i got out that message went away but still in the message request. just wondering if i should delete all my data now lol. of course only something like this would happen to me on an app like this lol -_-
NiLesh Yeah, it was in my message requests. I declined it.
NiLesh Yeah, that might be it. Fake account, but someone might give 'em real money.
Visit only for research purposes xD
What would happen if you clicked the link?
From Which account this message was??
Was it from solo learn official account on sololearn??
Marlyn L
Plz share screenshot in your post to aware other