13th Sep 2020, 5:03 AM
Name - avatar
5 ответов
+ 2
I think it's working well you have call three inputs so feed input as I feed 70 70 70 Result //10
13th Sep 2020, 5:10 AM
Divya Mohan
Divya Mohan - avatar
+ 1
oOo I have got this I had entered : 70 70 I had forgotten about the name. 😂😂 And thanks for clearing about EOF. Thanks again to all of you. 🙂❤
13th Sep 2020, 5:18 AM
Name - avatar
+ 1
OK. I got it Sir Jan Markus
13th Sep 2020, 5:20 AM
Name - avatar
Its just sololearn input. You cant run interactive programs here. The only way to do it is entering your input all at once. You have 3 inputs, so when SL asks for input, just enter like this for example: Bobby 1 USA # then hit submit
13th Sep 2020, 5:10 AM
Slick - avatar