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I still don't get for loop
Although this was explained by my teacher in python, I kind of forgot so..... for (i=1, text=""; i<=5; i++) { text = i; document.write(i + "<br />"); }
2 ответов
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• The For Loop — https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/for
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// do something
Our for loop consists of three statements, one that is executed before our loop starts ( i = 0 ), one that defines how long our loop should run ( i < 10 ), and one that is executed after each loop ( i++ ).
In this example, we are setting i = 0 before our loop starts. We will continue to loop as long as i < 10, and each iteration of the loop will increase i by one. Finally, within our brackets is the code that will be run on each iteration of the loop.
+ 5
I will try to explain the 'for loop' using python concept, which is similar to others but using different syntax.
Lets create a list
lst = ['bob', 'zac', 'toxic']
Now lets iterate through the list.
We use a 'for loop' because we have a known number of iterations.
for each_item in lst:
This means the code will iterate through the list and print each item within the list as a seperate action.
This technique is useful when you wish to examine a number of items and return those that fit your defining parameters