Plz i didn't understand the mean of input 🙏
17 ответов
+ 2
Some data that goes into a computer or program/app.
+ 8
in Arabic, إدخال
+ 4
Input simply mean the data or information we are giving to the system to work on.
+ 3
Input is what user type and enter as input using keyboard but print is a function in python that display variables values if passed as arguments to it .input can not be displayed if user dont click enter and if there are no print statement to print this input.Input can be stored in variable like.
a = 11 .The output is what a function return as value /result .Using print we can display this output.
+ 2
المدخلات عموما هي كل ما يستعمل في الدالة من معاملات والمخرجات هي الناتج من استدعاء هذي الدالة اما في سؤال الاخ فهو يخص دالة في بايتون تستعمل لاستقبال ما يدخله المستخدم من قيم
+ 1
Input هو اللي بدخلو المستخدم يعني إذا بدك المستخدم يدخل رقم معين لتستخدمو بالبرنامج بتستخدم input
Print هو اللي بدك ينطبع عالشاشة
x = input()
هذا البرنامج بياخد الشي المدخل من المستخدم ويطبعه عالشاشة
+ 1
Input can also mean to gain or obtain information into a computer for it to follow commands given to it
ما هو فرق مابين input و print أختي
To type or give data or information to the computer
Data that goes into a program
input means taking data from user which given by user
Input: to give a command interms of data
Output: to get result interms of information.
E.g Computer says: Enter two numbers to add
User(you): 2 + 3 (This is your input)
Computer : 5 (Output from the computer)
Any data you provide to computer using any input device is called input.
Like if you press a button on the keyboard,you provided a data to computer that you pressed a key through input devices.
Input can only be given by input devices, eg:-mouse ,keyboard , tracks-pad,etc.
Input function helps you as a coder to get data from the uses. It's really important eg. Emails, passwords , comments etc
A value that sent to system by user (the user also you). In python, you can store it to a variable or print it directly