Which programing language should I learn to become a software developer?
Plz tell me to become best software developer
8 ответов
+ 3
first you must be chooze your goal of developing software. for example : web , android, ...
+ 3
you should study java
+ 2
ok thats better lol, main ones would be java for overall development (and there's plenty of android only libraries so learn it's specifics as well), c++ for libraries, and if looking at game development, c# using the unity engine
+ 2
Java for Android apps as well as desktop apps (Swing NetBeans) PHP as server side scripting. JS,jQuery,CSS,bootstrap,HTML for web and user ui.
+ 2
java for android and c# for pc. or swift for IOS
+ 1
that's a totally generic question that can be answered with "any" you should research what kind of software you would like to develop and companies you'd like to work with (unless you want to be freelancer or run your own business ), then that question would be possible to answer
+ 1
If I want android software developer and want to start my own business then what should I do?
Only java