+ 2
Any C++ Tutorials Specifically For Competitive Programming?
Not sure if it's allowed to ask this here, but that's the question. By specifically, I don't search for "How to print, using cout blablabla" thing, specifically for CP. Edit: I know the basic of C++ since I have experience in C, but I still haven't explore the advanced C++.
8 ответов
+ 4
If you want to learn to program in C++ and the philosophy behind it, I recommend the book "Programming Principles and Practice Using C++" by Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++. In the first 11 chapters he covers the basics, and from then on more advanced topics like algorithms, RAII and STL. You can also check his other books.
If you are more into interactive learning, you can check out the c++ nanodegree program from Udacity. It covers many advanced topics and you get to work in 5 different real-world projects.
+ 1
You can go through GFG and Hackerearth .
In youtube you can find many tutorials and sites in google try to seach
♨️TEJAS MK-82♨️ I was asking for specific reference actually, youtube and google search is just a common thing. Thanks for answering anyway.
♨️TEJAS MK-82♨️ That's websites for practice, I do codeforces, hackerrank, kattis, spoj and others too. Is there any complete explanation for things such as about vectors, maps, etc,. That's what I'm looking for.
Martin Taylor Not my intention to say it's different with programming, but it really is different with "basic" things. As the name says, competitive.