Why the same code returns error here which runs in Kotlin playground?
6 ответов
Can you please explain better what is the issue?
Have you made some code on your computer and it doesn't run in the sololearn playground?
Yes, I'm trying to print a sequence of conversation which successfully runs on Kotlin playground but not on SoloLearn playground.
I'm a beginner so just wanted to know whether playground also plays the role?
What's the difference between Kotlin playground and SoloLearn playground?
I'm not sure, just a platform, I guess.
- 1
Here is version 1.1, while there is 1.3. Some things have changed. Link your code to get the answer. Use the plus in circle icon, select 'Insert Code', change 'Hot Today' menu to 'My Code Bits', select the program, and click on the 'Done' button.