How to change the current working folder with python on my android Smartphone ?
Hi everyone , All is in the question, but if you have any doubt, I could try to reformulate. I know that I have to use a fonction in the module os which is named chdir. So to access and work on my directory "fichier.txt" I should code something like that ; >>> import os >>> os.chdir("Internal storage/Python_with_the_book/fichier.txt") But it doesn't work.. do you think that there is a mistake like, it's not "Internal storage" but "C" or maybe I should put ":" after "C" ? Thank you, Qwin
7 ответов
+ 12
You ca use something like this:
import os
os.chdir("/Internal storage/Python_with_the_book/")
You should NOT:
- use file name at the end of the path name
You should:
- use leading slash "/" in your path name
+ 2
nah, print(os.getcwd()) and see where you are in your phone.
for android (while using pydroid) the path looks like: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/ru.iiec.pydroid3/files
+ 2
Dear Lothar, Dear Slick,
Youhouuuu ! It works !! 😄
I did what you have explained to me, the path was just a bit longer.
>>> import os
>>> os.chdir("/storage/emulated/0/Python_with_the_book/")
Thanks a lot 🙂🤗
+ 1
>>> import os
>>> print(os.getcwd())
That is where I am 🤔
Python 3.8.3 (default, May 27 2020, 02:08:17)
[GCC 9.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> os.chdir("Espace de stockage interne partagé:/Python_with_the_book/fichier.txt")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'os' is not defined
That's what I have exactly. It's written "Python 3.8.3 --- on linux".
The code should probably takes linux programmation rules into account . Right ?
okay cool, first though, why running in interactive? you may as well cd into whatever directory you want, then start the interactive interpreter. But yeah, you can basically print out any folders or files and just follow it to your desired folder if you really want to do everything from within python.
Does something like that would be better ?
Let's try: os.chdir("storage/emulated/Python_with_the_book/fichier.txt")
I have to go to work. If some advise are given I'll read it after. Thank a lot 🙂