Struct In C
Why would you use struct in C it seems like something that you wouldn’t use often.
3 ответов
+ 1
No, we need Structures very often in real life programming. Just think like, you are asked to program an attendance sheet for a school. Now, won't it help you if you had a way to bundle the student's name and roll number into a single variable? Well, that's one case where structures are used. Generally, data structures are useful in programming. So try to learn them. Happy learning ;)
+ 1
Whats My True Name??? Yeah you are right. Well then, think of this situation then. You are designing a game, for that you have to make a data structure which holds the player's hit points, attack and number of items in inventory, into a single variable. A structure would be helpful there. The point is, structures, in general, data structures are helpful in making complex data structures out of fundamental types
But if you were going to program an attendance sheet wouldn’t SQL or Python be a better fit since they are better suited for data science and alike.