+ 2
please help
I have this problem as homework and I don't know what is my mistake A natural number n is read from the keyboard. Make the program that determines the sum of the elements less than or equal to n that are primes and palindromes. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int n,ok,d,s,ogl,i,i1; cin>>n; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) ok=1; if(i==0 || i==1) ok=0; else for(d=2;d<=i/2;d++) if(i%d==0) ok=0; if(ok==1) ogl=0; i1=i; while(i1!=0) {ogl=ogl*10+i1%10; i1=i1/10; } if(ogl==i) s=s+i; cout << s; }
2 ответов
+ 4
Either the code is badly indented or you are missing a lot of braces {} in your code.
Also I can see you have not initilised variable "s" so it will add up so some heavenly👼 value during execution.
+ 1
thanks a lot!!
I saw my mistakes now...