Sololearn practice problem, pls help me with this
During each iteration, the loop uses floor division to divide the given number by 10, thus dropping one digit. The process continues until the number has no more digits (n>0). You need to change the code to calculate and output the sum of all digits of the input number. Sample Input 643 Sample Output 13 Explanation The sum of the digits of 643 is 6+4+3 = 13. n = int(input()) length = 0 while n > 0: n //= 10 length += 1 print(length) Please solve this n = int(input()) length = 0 while n > 0: n %= 10 length += 1 print(length) This not showing any output
5 ответов
+ 7
Abhishek Sinha your code shows output like Slick said, but it prints the length and not the sum. n%10 gives the last digit. Add that to your result variable (a) in every step and then drop the last digit.
Floor division is done with // in Python 3, so the code from Piyush Thourani won't work correctly in Sololearn. Take this instead:
while n>0:
+ 3
while n>0:
Try this and understand the concept
+ 1
Sanchit Bahl n%10 gibt die letzte Ziffer, z.B. 1234 % 10 = 4
n // 10 gibt die restlichen Ziffern: 1234 // 10 = 123
n//=10 entspricht n = n // 10
Diese brauchen wir im nächsten Schritt, um die nächste Ziffer zur Summe zu addieren
Benjamin Jürgens , Hallo Herr Jürgen, können Sie mir bitte dieses Konzept einmal erläutern, wieso haben Sie " n//=10 " es nochmals eingegeben, wenn wir es schon mit modulo (n%10) gemacht haben ?
Ich wäre Ihnen sehr verbunden. Dankeschön im Voraus!
- 2
works fine the way its posted. Here it is with default values