well, somebody told me that i can make this .java files into .jar files and run them from desktop as an application i did it but if i open this .jar on my desktop nothing happens ... why ? and how can i run it ?
7 ответов
first how have you created them on one you can double click on the outher you need to call java -jar xxx.jar
at eclipse i exported that .java in desktop with .jar
export and then click Executable jar file select the classes that you want and export. if you run it in cmd with java -jar xxxx you can see the Error if you program Crashes
i'll try at home and tell you if it worked ;)
Try running it from a terminal if you have a jdk installation, java -jar yourjarfile.jar
what means this java-jar ?
you need to open a comand prompt like cmd and type in java -jar path/filename.jar This is the start command to start it. This is also the better way for starting it since you can tell it the a mount of momery it can use etc. Just search for java flags.