+ 2
Can anyone tell me why people prefer using hex values for colours rather than using the name of the colours?
Can anyone tell me why people prefer using hex values for colours rather than using the name of the colours?
12 ответов
+ 5
Personally I prefer named colors for basic stuff, because they are easier to remember and I have my favorites.
But professional designers choose their color pallette very precisely, so that all the colors of the website harmonize with each other. There is a whole science to it and many online utilities help you pick the right colors that go well together. So in this case you need precise hex codes because very likely these colors don't have an assigned name.
+ 4
Let's say you want the color blue for the background
Hex value: #0000ff, #1111aa, .#2121dd, #1010ff, ...
Name: blue/light-blue
You can see if you're using the name you have less choises then the hex values.
+ 3
Because it allows you to easily use any shade of colors, can you name all the 16 million colors but that is easy for hexadecimal values
+ 3
Thank you
+ 2
As Vidyut Jammwal already said, it's impractical to use words for millions of different shades.
+ 2
As Tibor Santa I often use named colors as easiest to remember...
Anyway, it's roughly unadvised to use them in professional context, because only a very small subset of the color names available are safe accross browsers (each vendor could have its own conversion and final color used could differs from one to another).
However, sometimes available color names aren't enough and hex (or even rgb) are easy to compose precisely (with a few experience)... even if that's often a lost of time, because rarely two non-professional screen have same color rendering (and professional ones needs complex calibration to have almost same colors rendered on each) ^^
Also, human eyes distinguish very small subset of colors, and appart for fine rendering of gradients, there's no real needs of millions colors (and often numeric images are compressed with less colors definition) ;P
+ 1
Using rgb values better.
+ 1
It's a nerd thing.
+ 1
I'm not an expert, at all, but personally for me it's because it's easier to give more specific shades of color, and generally makes many other things easier, with less room for mistake. for example if you're trying to follow a gradient, it's waaaay easier to make a stable gradient with RGB values
+ 1
I believe that we can get a wide range of choices with the use of hex codes rather than the color name itself. We can give our website the look we want and according to the website's theme.
There's this website where a wide range of color pallets are available along with their hex codes. It is surely a good resource.
Check it out: https://colorhunt.co/
You get more choices if you use Hex instead of color names.
Only a small number of colors have names and are supported by browsers compared to the millions of color options you have while using Hex.
And sometimes you can make it modify the color on the fly. E.g you can make "#333333" a bit darker by changing it to "#222222".