How to implement Fenwick tree?
I don't remember if i described this problem earlier -- we have a set of events (up to 250000 for current project, if we can increase the upper bound it is even better), and a "chance" for each event (double precision floating point value). We need to generate a series of events according to these chances (probability of event i is chance c_i divided by the sum of all chances). The problem is that after each event the "chances" for some (up to 100) events change. It needs to generate around 10^10 events in one day. For now i think that a good approach to this is using a Fenwick tree -- put all the chances in it, than generate a random number in [0, sum_chances) and do binary search (binary search in Fenwick tree can be done in O(n log(n)), if done carefully. There's still a problem with keeping and updating doubles in Fenwick tree -- common implementations accumulate numeric error due to the new values being defined as sum of old_value +