+ 34
I can’t answer the questions, what should I do?
I cannot answer any question, an error is coming out, how to solve this problem?
41 ответ
+ 16
try closing and opening the app too. might help
+ 16
now it works,
and honey agarics does not work.
Sanjar Egamberdiyev 🇺🇿 Haa, biz programistlar baglarga organic qolganmiz 😂😂🤣
+ 9
Amirhon Atahanov yeah some of these rules...are just too picky sometimes! Wait was it some >= times?😭😂😂🤣🤣🤣
Ruthless SmAk yes, I agree, but they must be followed
+ 8
Amirhon Atahanov menda ham 3 4 kun avval shu holat bo'layotgandi. Ketma ket 2 3 ta question answer ga yozolmayotgandim. Hozir hammasi joyida. Accountda qandaydir o'zgarish qilsangiz malum muddat shunday xatoliklar bolib turadi sololearnda
(mana shu savolni yozishda ham bir necha bor muammo bo'lgandir balki 😄. shunisi ham kuzatildi)
+ 6
activate your account
+ 4
+ 4
Inability to DM is a different issue from the inability to answer.
+ 4
Precious Micheal 1your account is activated, what are your problems?
+ 4
You mean??
+ 4
Abdalrhman Wa wrote this, and then I answered him:
Can someone solve a code in c# tomorrow?
+ 4
Raj Prosen As I said, this is not a place for communication, but a place to answer different questions.
+ 4
Chris you have to do it yourself or write a question about it
+ 3
There is issue of slow network reboot your device. Because many time I have a problem for renaming my code & can't send messages to groups in Sololearn and many more and all these occurs for slow network. I noticed that slow network is also a big problem of SoloLearn.
+ 3
I can't also message anyone, what can I do
+ 3
This problem has now passed for me, Hurrah
+ 3
How can I activate my account
+ 3
Krishna Therokar understandable, thanks
+ 3
Thanks guys, you're really wonderful
+ 3
Hmmm, thanks bro, noted...@Krishna Therokar
+ 3
Abdalrhman Wa here we are discussing the topic of answering questions,it is inappropriate to ask about с#