Is there anybody who finished lessons and projects and got the certificate ?
Is there any help for projects ?
7 ответов
+ 2
Just try to solve projects. In case of any doubts you can ask
+ 1
Yes i am trying the project of apartments and zoo but it is not working anymore
+ 1
There are plenty of them here.
+ 1
Bouchra BOUTERFAS Where is that query?
Yes but what is the issue?
I wrote the query but it sent me error and i do not know where is the problem, i asked my teacher and my answer was correct, so ..
Bouchra BOUTERFAS here is my solutions ( I hope Sololearn’s people don’t mind 😅)
/*(Zoo solution )*/
/* name - "Slim", type - "Giraffe", country_id - 1 */
INSERT INTO Animals VALUES('Slim', 'Giraffe', 1);
SELECT name, type, country FROM Animals
INNER JOIN Countries ON Animals.country_id = Countries.id ORDER BY country ;
/*(Apartment solution)*/
SELECT* FROM Apartments
WHERE price > 750 AND status = 'Not rented' ORDER BY price;