+ 2

Triple booting grub problem.

Hey guys! So I have win7 pre-installed and wanted fedora so I installed fedora on my machine... Later I started learning Ethical Hacking so I wanted Kali Linux, so I made 3 partitions alloted 100gb for win,40gb for fedora and 40gb for linux.... After installing kali linux the grub is not loading it comes up with a error! It would help a lot...... Thanks.......

15th Feb 2021, 9:58 AM
Shubhan - avatar
1 ответ
+ 2
This forum is for Sololearn related questions. You will have better luck at forum that special in more technical questions.. Try your luck over here at https://superuser.com/
15th Feb 2021, 12:29 PM
Chris Coder
Chris Coder - avatar