+ 1
which colour is #FFFFFFF
4 ответов
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Hexadecimal color code is little bit interesting!
Hexa = 6 and Decimal = 10, so Hexadecimal = 16. It stars from '00' and ends with 'FF'
Let's see:
00, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, AA, BB, CC, DD, EE, FF
00 is the lowest value, meaning there is no color.
FF is the highest value, meaning the color is full.
From 11 to EE the value goes from lower to higher.
Hexadecimal color combined with 3 main colors: Red, Green, Blue.
Sequence: Red > Green > Blue.
It stars with a # sign.
Let's play with it:
#000000 (what will be the color?)
- Red 00, Green 00, Blue 00. so there is no Red, no Green and no Blue. Since there is no color it will be dark. So the answer is 'Black'.
#FFFFFF (what will be the color?)
- Red FF, Green FF, Blue FF. so there is full of Red, Green and Blue. Since there is full colors it will be bright/light. So the answer is 'White'.
#FF0000 (what will be the color?)
- It's Red, easy right?
#00FF00 (what will be the color?)
- Green.
#0000FF (what will be the color?)
- Blue.
#888888 (what will be the color?)
- Grey. When all the Red, Green and blue amount is equal and in between the highest value FF and lowest value 00.
#00FFFF (what will be the color?)
- Cyan. No Red, full Green and full Blue.
#FF00FF - Magenta (Red + Blue).
#FF0088 - Deep Pink (Red + 1/2 Blue).
#FFFF00 - Yellow (Red + Green).
#FF8800 - Dark Orange (Red + 1/2 Green).
#FFCCCC - Pale Red (Red + 3/4 Green + 3/4 Blue).
Note: We can write #FFF instead of #FFFFFF.
Mix the colors with one another and play with it. I am damn sure that you will love it!
+ 2
#FFFFFFF is not a valid color
#FFFFFF is white
+ 2
The color white with hexadecimal color code #ffffff
#000000 - black
#ff0000 - red
#00ff00 - green
#0000ff -blue
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It's just RGB - easier to remember, first two values stand for red, next two for green and the last two for blue.
Each value can be assigned from 0 (00) to 256 (ff).