How can multiple keys have a value?
Example : # Just a small example don't try to debug this, I want to not use "if" Inp = int(input()) dic = { '''Inp between 1 and 9''' : "One digit", '''Inp between 10 and 99''' : "Two digit" } Print (dic[Inp])
10 ответов
+ 4
Swift edit: update to onelined print (initial code commented)
+ 3
your question is unclear...
try to be more descriptive, and/or provide real code ^^
+ 2
no, range objects are not valid keys, and even if it was, bmi is not a range but a number ^^
I undestand that you try to emulate a 'switch' statement (not available in python): there could be possible to do such things, but I think you have to deal with 'if' as alternative solutions must be a little bit more tricky ;)
+ 2
even with a switch statement, you couldn't use range ^^
for a bunch of ranges to be tested, you should use a structure combining a range and a function at each item, iterate over it and testing value against range... if test return true you can use the return value of the associated function ;)
Swift edit:
you could associate just a value instead of a function, obviously...
+ 1
madeline the code is just an example, i could make it WAAAY easier :
+ 1
Swift so did you figure it out?
in fact, python3 accept range as keys (in python2 you should use xrange to get immutable)...
1) you cannot define range with float, only integer boundaries
2) you should iterate over dict keys and check if value is in range, as accessing a dict with ranges as keys would not have values for numerical keys (unless you define some): key error will be raised...
- 1
visph one of the practice codes by sololearn which is a bmi calculator :
w = int(input())
h = float(input())
bmi = w/(h**2)
dic = {
range(18.5) : "Underweight",
range(18.5,25) : "Normal",
range(25,30) : "Overweight",
range(30,100) : "Obesity"
- 1
visph thanks, if is hard in more situations (over 10 possibilities)
but there is nothing that i can do