+ 4
Has anyone else lost their streak?
I’ve had a long streak going for like 285 days or something like that and I lost it yesterday. I thought I missed a day or something, but I know I checked into sololearn yesterday and today, yet it says I missed the streak yesterday. What’s going on?
18 ответов
+ 6
Last year I lost my streak of about 850. Now I know it is hard but life goes on 😉
+ 5
I lost mine a couple of years ago.
+ 3
Maybe you logged In after 24 hours. But I will suggest if you want to keep your streak then don't do Logged Out because when you do session will expire but if you don't do your session will remain active and you will not lose your streak.
+ 3
Jan Markus [PRO_crastinator] thanks but I've seen much longer streaks than that.
+ 3
Oh hey Jan Markus [PRO_crastinator] you also have quite an impressive streak, so congratulations! 😀 Being able to see others' streaks seems to be one of the few benefits of the new SL app UI 😁.
+ 3
Here is 1027
+ 3
Bug most likely due to new update
+ 3
I'm at 1061 days
+ 2
Only sololearn can help you in this type
of query.
please mail them at info@sololearn.com
+ 2
Tarnest I lost my streak quite recently. When SoloLearn updated their app, it stopped recognising that I had signed in (even if I was active and sending messages, etc.) unless I actually force-closed the app and restarted it.
I messaged SL about it and they were happy to reinstate my streak, but it kept happening and I stopped bothering to keep asking them to be honest. This is on iOS though, so I'm not sure if this applies to you.
+ 1
Thanks guys! I assume if no one else has this issue it’s probably just me.
+ 1
+ 1
Lol 885 is alot
+ 1
Russ I am also on iOS! So I suppose it could be a bug. Where did you message SL, I might give that a try.
Pls what is streak that you guys are discussing about ?
Sonic what is SL
Tarnest Three little dots at the top right; Feedback 👍
It happened to me more than one time. Yesterday I really missed the streak but previously i was shure I did in time (but I found the day after I missed the streak) . I JUST HATE HATE HATE how this app manages the streak, is too easy to lose the streak. too easy. Practise doesen't count for streak and they dont' advice you all the time when you are going to lose the streak . Other apps in similar style do it definitely better (but they are not coding apps so... )