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i finished the c ++ course, now what to do?
I have already finished the C ++ course and have practiced a lot, I consider that I already have a certain command of the language. What do you recommend that I do now to keep moving forward with programming? Do I continue with this language to improve and learn things that are not seen in the course or do I learn other languages?
3 ответов
+ 4
❄ Websites To Practice Your Coding Skills
⚡ https://www.hackerrank.com
⚡ https://www.codewars.com
⚡ https://www.hackerearth.com
⚡ https://codecombat.com
⚡ https://projecteuler.net
⚡ https://brainwar.it
⚡ http://www.programmr.com
⚡ https://www.codechef.com
⚡ http://www.codeabbay.com
⚡ https://www.topcoder.com
⚡ https://coderbyte.com
⚡ https://leetcode.com
⚡ http://exercism.io
⚡ https://codefights.com
⚡ http://www.cyber-dojo.org
⚡ http://codingbat.com
⚡ http://www.pythonchallenge.com
⚡ https://codegolf.stackexchange.com
⚡ https://www.codingame.com
⚡ http://www.programmr.com
⚡ https://programmingpraxis.com
💧 Credit :: Maz
+ 2
If you are very interested in c++ do some questions on kattis or other online judging systems to improve your skills. Wish you the best of luck