Studying Data Science with 34
Hi guys I already have a B.Sc. in Transportation Systems and thinking about studying again. I am 34. Do you think that this is a good idea?
5 ответов
+ 5
nur wegen Programmieren ein ganzes Studium?
eher nicht.
Da reicht irgendwo ein Microdegree.
(Hagen, HPI...).
Softwareentwicklung ist auch als Quereinsteiger möglich.
Oder willst du dir wirklich Mathe, Statistik, Turingvollständigkkeit, NP-Vollständigkeit.... antun?
+ 3
Jan Markus If I would be 70, I would not ask, because their is nearly nothing to lose. But with my age you have to think about the money side of the problem too. I have an earning of about 55K per year and would stop working for at least 3 years. After all that has to pay off.
+ 3
Zen Coding
nope...no good idea. It won't pay off.
Try a smooth change to software development :
Writing some excels, pythons, websites that are valuable for your company .... some more...
big data....
then change to another company as developer.
+ 1
Yeah, you are still powerful to learn almost everything at this age
as in my opinion. YES
+ 1
Frogged I think about studying at a German FH, which offers a state-apprived BSc degree in Data Science. That's not a Computer Science study but it's off course also not only 'learning programming'.