How to make variables calculate from one another
Hello guys, I would like to do this a code: Use two variables to calculate from each other. I did the below and it doesn’t work - can you please help? Number = 5 Tax = Number * 1.2 print(Number + Tax) print() I would like to have the number x 1.2 in the tax variable - can you do this?
5 ответов
What's wrong you're getting there?
Question is not clear to me..can you say more?
I ran it and it works just fine. The only thing you may want to do is only use lower case when making variables.
First letter uppercase is used for classes.
You only need Tax to be printed...!
not Tax+Number
classes are more advanced python. you may have heard of OOP, and classes are part of it. You'll learn when you get to that lesson so not trying to overload you now