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If statement
You’re making a gold purity checker, that should accept only 22K or 24K gold. Only the good stuff! 22K gold has 91.7% or more gold in it, while 24K corresponds to 99.9% and above purity. Given the % of gold purity as input, you should output "Accepted" only if it corresponds to 22 or 24K. Sample Input: 93.4 Sample Output: Accepted And my code is... ==================== purity=float(input()) if 91.7<=purity and 99.9>=purity: print ("Accepted") ====================
8 ответов
No keep trying.
One more hint, it says 24k gold corresponds to 99.9% and above. Your code STOPS at 99.9% meaning if the purity is 99.99% it will not be accepted by your code. Change it so it accepts anything above 99.9% or just lose that bit of code alltogether.
+ 2
Try this ! It's working .
purity = float(input())
if purity >= 91.7 and purity <=100:
print ("Accepted")
gold that is 99.99999% gold will be rejected by your code.
I'd just leave the first condition and it should work.
Can you please tell me the code.
This is my code. But its not working on test case 5
purity = float(input())
if purity >= 91.7:
print ("Accepted")
if purity >= 99.9:
print ("Accepted")
if purity >= 99.99999:
print ("Not Accepted")
purity = float(input())
if purity >= 91.7:
print ("Accepted")
it works for all test case
purity = float(input())
#your code goes here
if purity >= 91.7:
print ("Accepted")
elif purity >= 99.9:
print ("Accepted")
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The first 4 test cases are passed but the lastone 5th hidden testcase was failed. I can't identify what is the bug in the code any one please help me to move on next step.