Software Quality Assurance Engineer

Differ btw Test case and Test Scenario.... is test scenario is subset of test case or vice versa?

4th Apr 2021, 8:03 PM
Arqum Farooq
Arqum Farooq - avatar
2 ответов
+ 1
As I understand, test scenario is when / where you test. Test case is what you test. Ie. Scenario might be a you need to test your Log class. Case might be a method that logs warnings that takes a level as argument. You pass in different warning levels as different test cases. Its like a switch statement. Case level = 1 expect ("warning 1") Case level = 2 expect ("warning 2")
9th Apr 2021, 10:10 AM
Akib - avatar
Test case 1) it is a low level documentation (detalied doocument). 2) as it is a detailed document so the tester does not required the deep knowledge about the project by reading test case he can test the application or sodtware. 3)test case how us what to do and how to do. Test Scenario 1) it is a high level documentation. 2)As it can be in one line so the tester must have the deep knowledge of the project to undrstand it. 3)test case how us what to do .
28th Aug 2024, 5:54 AM
Ahmad Subhan
Ahmad Subhan - avatar