+ 13
Is their any mistake in the calculation of the points when we make a challange?
for example: they put 7 points for the winner. when I win they give me 7 points, while when I loss they give the other 24 points and take from my score 24 points. why this difference in calculation?
6 ответов
+ 12
@mhamad: The XP of player in the particular language matters rather than the over all level of the player. So if you have more XP in HTML than a player which is senior in level to you, you will get less XP for winning.
+ 11
I think it's not any mistake
If you think this sololearn into the hard RPG game.
You have a high level then you finish the really low level monster. you will get little exp off....
+ 11
but for some challangers they have hieigher level from my level and the same thing happen?
+ 11
@Very hard,
thank you for the explanation.🙏
+ 10
Same thing?
High level challenger recieve little exp
But Low level challenger receive super big exp
+ 2
this system of points is quite discouraging. for winning a challenge you get 1 to 3 points. losing will take more than 20. don't anyone think that this is unbalanced?