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How to find the number of words in pascalcase using python?
# Complete the 'calculateWordCount' function below. # # The function is expected to return an INTEGER. # The function accepts STRING S as parameter. # def calculateWordCount(S): # Your code here if __name__ == '__main__': fptr = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w') s = input() noOfWords = calculateWordCount(s) fptr.write(str(noOfWords) + '\n') fptr.close()
2 ответов
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Ravikumar , sorry to say, but the code you presented here has no relationship to your question. (or may be your task description is incomplete)
▪︎to get help from the community, please do a real try by yourself first, put the code in playground and link it here.
thanks for your understanding!
here some hints for you to do this task:
* as you mentioned, the function you should create expects to get a string, separated by a space or an other delimiter
* you have to iterate over this string, but you need to split it to individual words before
* during the iteration you have to check if the current word starts with a capital letter (pascal case is like "ShowName")
* you also need a variable to count the number of words in the string that starts with a capital letter
* at the end of the iteration your count variable holds a number that has to be returned to the calling part of the code
happy coding and good success!
+ 2
First please show your attempt on Playground and its link here.