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Library Management using structure
https://code.sololearn.com/ca9a14a22A17 This is the longest code that I have done by myself with the help of the internet so far ...the code runs but there are lots of problems including that when I want to add books ,I can't give the name of the author for the first and the last book.Then I wasn't able to do the book issuing properly..So I am badly in need of the help of the expert for finishing it properly.
15 ответов
+ 4
Thank you so much @ Martin..I'll try my best to do exactly what you've said...I would have given up a long time ago if there was no one to address all the problems that I had faced in doing codes. Words will fail to express my gratitude towards you. I will never forget your assistance throughout my entire life. Thanks for teaching me a lot of things and making it easy as well. It's a regret that I can't meet you in person but I really pray for your well-being.
+ 2
@Calvin I have done my code following a code on the internet which was written on C..Actually, I have followed like 3 codes to understand and all of them were in C language..It's hard to understand some terms of C and comparing it with C++ if you don't have that much knowledge in C like me.
Right now I am doing a student record code and already struggling converting it from C to C++ .
But thanks for sharing your code
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@Martin ok I'll change them according to what you have said..Thank you so much for inspiring me though
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Ramisa Fariha Here's a C code I've made based on your requirements. This code was made in an hour, so it might contain bugs. Here's the code:
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Ramisa Fariha Including the structure in a static array of such a size is bad practice. You may use a dynamic array instead, as speed isn't a concern here for such an application.
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Ramisa Fariha No problems. I had coded it in C as I don't know much about C++.
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How could you post your code like this insted of text
The question is:
Let us work on the menu of a library. Create a structure containing book information like accession number, name of author, book title and flag to know whether book is issued or not.
Create a menu in which the following can be done.
1 - Display book information
2 - Add a new book
3 - Display all the books in the library of a particular author
4 - Display the number of books of a particular title
5 - Display the total number of books in the library
6 - Issue a book
(If we issue a book, then its number gets decreased by 1 and if we add a book, its number gets increased by 1)
(not taken from any book)
practice question from codesdope.com
Hemax Go to the code playground,do/copy-paste your code there and save it..then go to your profile,copy the link of your code(on right click of your mouse) and then paste wherever you want to