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Is it possible to print a message in separate line without using two System.out.println() statements?
5 ответов
I think it should be like this
System.out.println("Myself aditya " +"\n" +" I am a java coder");
In case it is crct upvote it
- 1
System.out.println("first message \n second message")
'\n' means go to the next line!
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plz help me guys
(a) Create a class named LivestockProject with fields that hold a membership number, the
name of the member, surname, date of birth, gender, location and initial number of livestock
(cattle) turned in. Include a constructor that initializes each field to appropriate default
values. Also include methods to set and get each of the fields.
(b) Create a livestock production estimation method(s) that will calculate and predict livestock
production over a certain period of time (1 year, 2 years, 5 years, etc.), considering the
following factors:
• The percentage of cows in heat in a 21-day period = 90%
• The percentage of the heats that are fertile = 90%
• The percentage of the cows that are serviced by the bull = 95%
• The 2 bulls per 100 cows ratio for a period of 5 years
• The percentage of calves born in the herd will be bull = 30%
• The gestation length of a bull valves = 287 days
• The gestation length of a heifer valves = 279 days
• The number of days a cow should undergo involution = 50 days
• The number of births a cow can give in its lifetime = 8
• The age that a heifer requires to reach puberty and be bred = 14 months
(c) Create a class named PredictProduction whose main() method instantiate an object of the
class LivestockProject. Within the method, prompt a user for registration, indicating the
name, surname, date of birth, gender, location and initial number of livestock (cattle) to turn
in. When a certain number of members have been successfully registered, your application
must print the following:
• The Database of registered members on the application
• Estimated livestock production per member over a certain period of time
• Estimated livestock production for the entire project over a certain period of time
• Estimated livestock production of bulls and heifers per member over a certain
period of time
• Estimated livestock production of bulls and heifers for the entire project over a
certain period of time