Shooting Game Python
code should take 4 inputs and output points in the end. My code works fine when I try in my local IDLE, but Sololearn doesn't make it pass the test. Please help what's wrong: #Code takes "hit" or "miss" as inputs --> if hit (+10 points), if miss (-20 points) x = 100 #x is initial points count = 0 while True: usr = input() if count < 4: #code should take 4 inputs so made to count to 4 if usr == "hit": x += 10 elif usr == "miss": x -= 20 count +=1 if count == 4: print(x)
5 ответов
Thanks guys, all I needed to do is to add break
+ 3
Your loop is going infinity
+ 2
Hi! for you, the loop condition will always be true and will be executed forever, since you have not figured out and written how to get out of it. make a better exit condition the number of shot attempts
+ 1
# to run a code 4 times, you rather should use a 'for' loop:
for c in range(4):
print("loop count", count)
print("loop exited count", count)
# output:
loop count 0
loop count 1
loop count 2
loop count 3
loop exited count 3
# almost same with 'while':
count = 0
while count < 4:
print("loop count", count)
count += 1
print("loop exited count", count)
# output:
loop count 0
loop count 1
loop count 2
loop count 3
loop exited count 4
# notice that only the last line differ ;)
# similar with infinite loop:
count = 0
while True:
if count < 4:
print("loop count", count)
count += 1
print("count", count)
print("loop exited count", count)
# output:
loop count 0
loop count 1
loop count 2
loop count 3
count 4
loop exited count 4
# without 'break' statement inside the 'else' statement, loop never exit, so line 'count 4' will be outputed forever (program should be interupted if run locally, or timeout in sololearn)
Guys please post the right answer of code