+ 3
I need help with this statement: console.log(!!"false" == !!"true")
I want to know execution process in depth
3 ответов
+ 5
> !!""
> !!"any string"
> !!"true"===!!"false"
+ 4
I think it works something like this:
In your code,
"false" and "true" are two strings not boolean values.
!"false" becomes false because it means, it is not a string so it becomes false in boolean value.
!"True" becomes false in boolean value for the same reason.
so it means you are comparing (!false==!false) inside console.log().
here !false =true so now it can also be said like that, true==true which is true.
So the summary is:
console.log(!!"false" == !!"true")
is the same as:
is the same as:
is the same as:
+ 3
"false" and "true" by themselves are just strings, but when you add the negation operator !, they will be viewed as truthy or falsy objects. Any non-empty strings in Javascript are viewed as truthy and an empty string is falsy. So, both will evaluate 1st to true and then be negated ! to false then back again to true. Then they are compared to each other == and true is finally returned and output.
!! true==!!true