+ 3
Hi everyone. Im trying to get started into coding. Could you recommend me some books where I can learn the fundamentals?
I'm trying to learn by myself. Where I live there aren't coding courses or anything like that and internet is not abundant, so I want book to Al least begin somewhere.
15 ответов
+ 4
Python undoubtedly tops the list. It is widely accepted as the best programming language to learn first.
Best books to learn python from zero to hero 😉
+ 4
HTML is Not a Programming Language.
HTML is A Markup Language.
+ 4
I recommend the headfirst series of books take your pick from them they are all quite good.
+ 2
There are a great number of GitHub repos full of books on all kinds of topics related to learning tech easily available for searching there, but why not start here with SoloLearns well thought out courses before all of that.
+ 2
I think their concern is that they often don't have internet so they wanted some books they could use during the times they don't have internet.
+ 2
Hi . You can start with HTML . It's the basic language type for learning
+ 1
Personally, I'd start with one of the C-like languages (C/C++/C#/Java) since most programming languages are similar to its syntax, whereas Python has what feels like a dumbed down syntax. Learning one C-like language makes it a lot easier to learn all of the other ones, in my opinion/experience.
However, since you began with HTML, then I'd recommend going with Javascript. It's a heavily used programming language that compliments HTML and is used alongside many other web technologies. So by learning Javascript, you'd be able to add more functionality to your HTML code.
+ 1
Thanks a lot
+ 1
Actually I've only started HTML and CSS. It shows I've started more because I don't have a lot of internet and I need to have all the courses I might be interested in downloaded just in case. Oh and thanks for the JavaScript suggestion👍
+ 1
For C++ , I would like to suggest you to go through "E Balguruswami " pdf
Really? I was starting with HTML. I thought it was a better way to start. Thanks for the suggestion
Based on past experience with these books, i would reccomend ‘python for dummies’. And no, i’m not trying to be mean. That is an actual book.
Why this code is not working -: print("Hello, World'')