+ 3
js test exercises
hello everyone when i try to solve test exercises foor js the problem statement tell me to enter sample input and when i took sample input result for "test case 1" is true but 2 other test was cases result is incorrect. And when i try to put input from result of exercise of test case 2 which tells input fre "test case 2" the other test case 1 and test case result 3 was incorrect. Can anyone tells me how to solve. Also if i donot enter input for test case 2 and 3 so why it gives result for those cases?
13 ответов
+ 6
All you need to use `%` operator to find the reminder.
5%2 =1;
6%2 = 0;
3%4 = 3;
+ 5
It's similar to find odd and even numbers.
All you need to check that if your input is divisible by 2 (reminder is zero) or not. if yes, print 'Right' else "Wrong".
You can do it with one main function.
It's not necessary to declare many functions.
+ 4
function main() {
var numberGuests = parseInt(readLine(), 10)
// Your code here
if (numberGuests %2 ==0)
else {console.log("Wrong")}
+ 3
You can use `==` operator to compare two variables.
"Cat" == "Cat" -> true
"Cat" == "Dog" -> false
+ 3
+ 1
Simba plz explain me to solve this
Reset account passwords should not be the same as the old password.
Write a program that takes old and new passwords as inputs and outputs to the console the boolean value (true or false) that shows whether or not they match.
Sample Input
Sample Output
Simba here it is my code
function main() {
var numberGuests = parseInt(readLine(), 10)
// Your code here
if (numberGuests ==14)
else {console.log("Wrong")}
Simba here is code with all 3 cases. case 1 incorrect and case 2 and 3 are correct
function main() {
var numberGuests = parseInt(readLine(), 10)
// Your code here
if (numberGuests == 14) {console.log("Right")}
else {console.log ("Wrong")}
function main() {
var numberGuests = parseInt(readLine(), 10)
// Your code here
if (numberGuests == 23) {console.log("Right")}
else {console.log ("Wrong")}
function main() {
var numberGuests = parseInt(readLine(), 10)
// Your code here
if (numberGuests == 24) {console.log("Right")}
else {console.log ("Wrong")}
Simba task is below
Entrance to the club is only permitted in pairs.
Take the number of customers in the club as input, and, if all of them have a pair, output to the console "Right", otherwise output "Wrong".
Sample Input
Sample Output
Simba can u give one example plz
unable to solve.
plz solve for me so that i will compare with my code
Simba pls summarize tabove exercise in easy way
To solve the change password practice please use this code:
function main() {
var oldPass = readLine();
var newPass = readLine();
// Your code goes here
var x = "oldPass";
var y = "newPass"; // newPass == oldPass true
console.log(oldPass == newPass);