Beginner needs help. What is wrong with my code? using System; namespace Bastun { class Program { static double FahrenheitToCelsius(int farh) { return temp; } public static void man(string [] args) { Console.WriteLine("Enter Fahrenheit temperature:"); double Celsius; double fahrenheit = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); Celsius = (fahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9; do { Console.WriteLine("What temperature you wish to have? (NB fahr) : "); if (Celsius > 77) { Console.WriteLine("WARNING!! " + Celsius + "too hot! "); Console.WriteLine("turn down the temperature"); Console.ReadLine(); } if (Celsius < 73) { Console.WriteLine("Not ready yet" + Celsius + "Turn up the temperature"); Console.ReadLine(); } else if (Celsius == 75) { Console.WriteLine("Perfect temperature! Enjoy"); Console.ReadLine(); } } while (Celsius < 73 || Celsius > 77); Console.WriteLine(" It is " + Celsius + "Enjoy"); Console.ReadKey(); } } }