+ 5
I have two choices-1buying a book on Android programming, 2 buying a book on c++. Which should i select
11 ответов
+ 22
I'm a C++ person, everyone knows it. But if you're going to buy a book, go for Android Programming.
This is because as far as I'm concerned, I have had no need of a physical book to advance in C++ programming. Most of the things I learned, I learned them online. While this is also applicable to creating Android apps, methinks the latter would require more written material, because it's more of a package compared to a programming language.
P.S. C++ can also be used to make Android apps, using NDK.
+ 9
Android programming is very popular these days (there's an app for everything it seems).
+ 8
Well, Android programming is the most important nowadays!! and very easy to learn too!! so I recommend you to go for it ✌
+ 7
my mom hates when I study on electronics
+ 6
I am saying this based on my experience with Android app development. Stackoverflow and YouTube are the best when it comes to app making.
+ 4
@Prabhakar Pandey And my parents think I am just playing games on my mobile or laptop. :(
+ 4
@all those who are liking my answer
Do you have the same problem
+ 3
I suggest you to learn C# instead!
You can use C# in Xamarin to do both Android and IOS development.
+ 2
Download ebooks :D
It will save you money, and it will give you much deep knowledge in programming. Don't waste the money while you are studying :D Just Google and download ebooks.
+ 1
Go for android book just carefull to select the year publish 2016 or 2015 are good choices.
@Prabhakar Lol, that response xD