SQL Fight ID Conflict
So I am stuck on this one in the SQL Course, any help is appreciated: Write a query to output the flight ID, full name of the pilot who is responsible for the flight, the country where the flight will land, and the duration of the flight (flight_id, fullname, landing_country, duration). I wrote it out like this: Select f.ID, p.fullname, f.landing_country, f.duration From Flights AS f, Pilots AS Pilot Where f.ID,f.landing_country, f.duration=p.fullname Order by f.ID; Getting this message: ERROR: syntax error at or near "," LINE 3: Where f.ID, f.landing_country, f.duration=p.fullname ^ Can someone please help me point out my mistake?
22 ответов
+ 6
Look up how to do a join query. I see a couple of issues..... And if you alias the table as pilot.. you can't call it p.
+ 5
Jeffrey Tate
Also Join is wrong. There should be
FROM Flights AS f
ON p.flight_id = f.id
Join should be on id not duration
+ 2
Your WHERE condition is still wrong.
You need to provide a way for the SQL to connect the two tables.
I assume there would be a pilot_id in the flights table, or a flight_id in the pilots table, so you need to write this in your where condition how the two tables can be combined.
+ 2
What are the columns in the two tables.
I can't imagine that it makes sense to join on duration and fullname.
+ 2
I am very new at this.
I have it written as this now:
Select f.ID, p.fullname, f.landing_country, f.duration
From Flights AS f, Pilots AS p
Where f.ID=p.pilot_ID
Order by f.ID;
+ 2
Your join condition is still wrong.
The pilots table contains two identifiers. The pilot_id is not relevant for this task. The flight_id is the foreign key in this table and you need to use this to connect the pilot to the flight.
ON flights.id = pilots.flight_id
The other problem is the fields you are selecting.
SELECT * won't be enough for the task, you need to list the names of the fields, in the same order as in the Expected Output.
+ 1
You haven't defined "p".
+ 1
Jeffrey Tate
You have written AS Pilot instead of AS p
+ 1
Jeffrey Tate
Check LEFT JOIN in Lesson 19.1
+ 1
The id column in the flights table, is the same as the flight_id column in the pilots table. Because that is how you joined the two tables. The exercise wants flight_id. So you can just change the query to
SELECT pilots.flight_id,...
(the rest is the same)
And it should work.
So far I have this:
Select f.ID, p.fullname, f.landing_country, f.duration
From Flights AS f, Pilots AS p
Where f.ID = 'p.fullname'
Order by f.ID;
But still getting errors.
Also this give me errors:
Select f.ID, p.fullname, f.landing_country, f.duration
From Flights AS f, Pilots AS p
Where f.ID,f.landing_country, f.duration=p.fullname
Order by f.ID;
So I read through the Join statement again
And I rewrote it as such:
Select pilot_id.pilots,Id.Flights
From pilots Left Join Flights
ON pilots.pilot_id=Flights.Id
Order By ID;
This is my error now:
ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "pilot_id"
LINE 1: Select pilot_id.pilots,Id.Flights
When you select a field, the table name (or alias) should be on the left side of the dot, the column name on the right side.
I am getting closer now I think:
Select*From pilots Left Outer Join Flights
ON flights.id=pilots.pilot_id
Order By flights.id;
Your Output
4,Brooklyn Austin,USA,3,4,2h,Mexico
2,Rayan Gomez,England,4,2,3h,USA
3,Omar Wallace,France,1,3,3h,Russia
1,John Ritchson,USA,2,1,4h,Germany
Expected Output
1,Omar Wallace,Germany,4h
2,John Ritchson,USA,3h
3,Brooklyn Austin,Russia,3h
4,Rayan Gomez,Mexico,2h
Can someone help me point out what I might be missing?
Okay I think I almost have it.
Select flights.id,pilots.fullname,flights.landing_country,flights.duration From pilots Left Outer Join Flights
ON flights.id=pilots.flight_id
Order By flight_id;
Your Output
1,Omar Wallace,Germany,4h
2,John Ritchson,USA,3h
3,Brooklyn Austin,Russia,3h
4,Rayan Gomez,Mexico,2h
Expected Output
1,Omar Wallace,Germany,4h
2,John Ritchson,USA,3h
3,Brooklyn Austin,Russia,3h
4,Rayan Gomez,Mexico,2h
Okay I got this far, but it is not giving me the flight_ID just ID. I am not sure what is missing
Select flights.id,pilots.fullname,flights.landing_country,flights.duration From pilots Left Outer Join Flights
ON flights.id=pilots.flight_id
Order By flight_id;
SELECT f.id AS flight_id, p.fullname, f.landing_country, f.duration
FROM flights AS f, pilots AS p
WHERE f.id = p.flight_id
ORDER BY f.id;
This is the answer:
SELECT f.id AS flight_id, p.fullname, f.landing_country, f.duration
FROM flights AS f, pilots AS p
WHERE f.id = p.flight_id
ORDER BY f.id;