+ 7
How do I quickly learn those things that I forget ?
I learnt many things. But, I forget most of them. Is there any suggestions for me to learn them fast ?
35 ответов
+ 13
Rushing up on several things is one good recipe to forget a lot. Our brain remembers by recognising a pattern built when we do something repetitively, not from a one quick pass sweep ...
P.S. This will be more suitable when posted in your feeds, as per the guidelines ...
+ 5
It goes like this ...
But we can only do this when using SoloLearn app, it's not available in SoloLearn web as I remember ...
* How to create a post in our feeds
* How to insert image to a post in feeds
+ 5
Additionally don't just memorize concepts and instead apply them.
+ 5
Keep going over things regularly, even if only for a small amount of time.
+ 4
Write it down in a notebook. Because written somethings is well preserved in memory. Do more projects.
+ 3
Repetition also helps
+ 3
Practice makes perfect
+ 3
Repeat your notes.
+ 2
Ipang Thanks a lot ♥️💚💙
+ 2
No problem buddy 👌
+ 2
Well, umm, well...what was it you asked...I forgot 😳
+ 2
Regular revision
+ 2
The truth is, you might not really store everything in your brain after learning it only once. Hence, going over things you've learnt over and over again will help. Most importantly, apply them. When you do, it'll almost be hard to forget.
+ 2
I’m always writing on a paper how the concept is working, his purpose..etc.(as i was explaining it to somebody) that’s helping me a lot to learn
+ 2
By Practicing
+ 2
One method I use regularly is writing summaries, try to write your own sentences and be active use colors and geometric shapes and even paintings. This makes you more active and you will use more of your senses and more parts of your brain . Also you will be more coherent thinker.
Also the most effective way is to teach someone or talk to a friend about what you have learned.
+ 2
Everyone learns differently, but I find it works well to learn the big picture. Then look up everything each time you don't know something, then use it. Keep looking up everything, as you need to use it. Eventually it sticks. I also do daily reading on each language. Code challenges also help. Code daily, or you forget.
+ 2
Practice more and more
+ 2
I usually do a lot pf practice hands-on in order to retain the information. If I don’t actively use something, I lose it. So I constantly challenge myself with coding games on my phone and find ways to implement programming languages into my day to day at work.
+ 1
How to post in feed ? I cannot find any option to post