Thats odd... (Problem)

https://www.sololearn.com/coach/63?ref=app How to solve this? I used the following code.. But it does not work y = [] while True: x = int(input()) if x%2 == 0: y.append(x) print(sum(y))

10th Oct 2021, 11:18 AM
Ramprasad - avatar
6 ответов
+ 3
In ur code u have to set an upper limit .. u have to take an input form the user which is the length of that list.. and using loop u have to take inputs those N values.. Here's my try . Hope it helps.. N=int(input()) l1=[] for i in range(N): N=int(input()) l1.append(N) ct=0 for i in l1: if(i%2==0): ct+=i print(ct)
10th Oct 2021, 12:11 PM
Indira - avatar
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10th Oct 2021, 11:30 AM
Rik Wittkopp
Rik Wittkopp - avatar
+ 3
Ramprasad Saha Using a while loop without an exit will cause the sum value to increase infinitely. The loop never stops and you never print. Set up your upper limit Also, your loop only looks at the input number, not a range of numbers.
10th Oct 2021, 11:33 AM
Rik Wittkopp
Rik Wittkopp - avatar
+ 3
Ramprasad Saha I just reviewed the challenge & you are missing an entire section. Input Format: The first input denotes the length of the list (N). The next N lines contain the list elements as integers. So you must create an int(input()) which will then be used to generate that amount of numbers. nums = [] for i in range(int(input()): nums.append(int(input()) That creates a range of the N, which then allows more numbers to be generated & added to the empty list called nums. Now we have to determine which of those numbers are even, and add them together Output Format: An integer that represents the sum of only the even numbers in the list. result = 0 for i in nums: if i%2 ==0: result +=i print(result) That section of code iterates through the nums list looking for even numbers. If the number is even, it adds the number to the result variable Which should print the result
10th Oct 2021, 12:15 PM
Rik Wittkopp
Rik Wittkopp - avatar
+ 1
I actually did not understand that u have to set an limit for the inputs.. Now i understand.. Indira and Rik Wittkopp thank you both so much for your help.
10th Oct 2021, 12:24 PM
Ramprasad - avatar
Rik Wittkopp i tried this one as well.. But doesnt work x = range(int(input())+1) z = list(x) p =[] for i in z: if i%2 == 0: p.append(i) print(sum(p))
10th Oct 2021, 11:59 AM
Ramprasad - avatar