On hash table
Write a program to implement a Hash Table data structure to store the product details with product id as key. Your program should contain the following functions. • HashTable(m): Creates a hash table T of size m. • Insert(T,k): Inserts an element into hash table T having key value k. • Search(T,k): Checks whether an element with key ‘k’ is present in hash table T s or not. • Delete(T,k): Deletes the element with key ‘k’ from hash table. Note: Assume that the deletion operation will always be a valid operation. i.e. the element to be deleted is present in the hash table. Input Format • The first line contains a character from ‘a’, ‘b’: -Character ‘a’ denotes collision resolution by Quadratic Probing with hash function h(k, i) = (h1(k) + c1i + c2i 2 ) mod m where h1(k) = k mod m , c1 and c2 are positive auxiliary constants and i [0, m 1]. – Character ‘b’ denotes collision resolution by Double Hashing with hash function. h(k, i) = (h1(k) + ih2(k)) mod m where h1(k) = k mod m, h2(k) = R(kmodR) R