How to add next page button of my data ?
Plz help me to fix this .. ["list"] text = "" count = 0 for i in range(len(data)): if count > Configs.MAX_RESULTS: break
12 ответов
I understand you want to complete your project. But look I cannot make it or complete it as I didn't have built any of these, so I don't know the flow of code.
You have to self find a solution to your problem, I can only suggest you
+ 3
Information you have provided is not enough to find a solution for your problem.
Elobarate your problem, add more information to your code and the area where you are working on (web, automation, gui,etc.)
Let me share
This is my code
Maximum result is break so I want to add a next page button to next page
If `Configs.MAX_RESULTS` is a integer then you can do some mathematics to get the next set of data.
Like for second page, your range can be `Configs.MAX_RESULTS*(page_no-1) to Configs.MAX_RESULTS*page_no`
Could you please add this code in proper place ?
I m a learner
Look, I am giving you hints... How you can do it.
I cannot make full code or change something in your code as I haven't worked on these till now. So I can only suggest you some ways to do so.
You can refetch the data or store it somewhere else and use my above way to show different range of data according to the requirement
Plz teach me
Do you know paython code ?
If you know than ... Help me to put a line into it ... I mean can you add line ?
text += f"**📂Title:** {data[i]['title']}\n" \
f"**✅PDisk Link:** {Configs.PDISK_DOMAIN + 'share-video?videoid=' + data[i]['share_link'].split('=', 1)[-1]}\n\n"
try: await editable.edit(text, disable_web_page_preview=True)
except MessageNotModified: pass