Can i make web using this app on mobile phone ?
8 ответов
+ 3
Simply download any text editor app like Notepad app .
Write the HTML Code with the help of that.
After completing the HTML Code save the HTML file with .html/.htm extension.
Now click on that file,select HTML viewer,your output will be displayed in that.
+ 3
You can try spck editor its avaliable in playstore.
Check out my website: https://colorcombo.netlify.app
I built using mobile.
+ 2
You need an ide eg eclipse intelij IDEA or Android Studio
+ 1
Plz tell me how can i make web or app on mobile
+ 1
SoloLearn is fine if you make simple one page site or app or game.
But if you need advanced app, just try few apps from store and see what work for you, you can also try some online editors.
But making web app using phone is very hard, and is 1000 times easier to do it from pc.
Well there are apps on the play store that can do so but it's a rough expirence
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