C++... write a program that can be used by pupils to practice multiplication tables.. it should prompt the pupil to :
display -Welcome <FIRST NAME >. <Surname > -enter lower limit and upper limit of the multiplication table -if student types in correct answer at first it should say "GOOD" -IF STUDENT TYPES CIRRECT ANSWER FOR THE SECOND TIME IT SHOULD SAY VERY GOOD.. - IF STUDENTS TYPES CORRECT ANSWER FOR THE THIRD TIME IT DISPLAYS AWESOME #include <iostream> using namespace std ; int main () { int up,ll; char n[30], s[20]; cout <<"Enter your name \n"; cin>>n; cout <<"Enter your surname \n"; cin>>s; cout<<"WELCOME\t "<<n<<" "<<s<<endl; cout << "Enter upper limit :" << endl; cin >> up; cout <<"Enter lower limit "<<endl; cin>>ll; cout << "Multiplication table from " << ll << " to " <<up<< endl; for (int j= ll; j<=up; j++) { for (int i= 1; i <=12; i++) { cout << j << " * " << i << " = " << j * i << endl; } cout<< "----------------" << endl; } return 0 ; }