+ 1
Trying Code In Course ERROR DRIVIN' ME CRAZY!
i cant try code in course! when i tap "tap to try" it turned out "oops, something went error"- IT HAPPENS SINCE YESTERDAY TILL NOW" how can i fix it? tysm-
7 ответов
+ 4
I have tried 'tap to try' and it works flawlessly for me now. It can happen one of the sololearn servers is down and it doesn't work for some time.
Or maybe your internet connection is bad.
+ 3
Paul you're saying that the "tap to try" feature is free?
+ 2
"Tap to try" feature is only for pro users. For non-pro users, when you click it, you'll get a banner with information about the Sololearn pro features. In your case, the banner failed to load
+ 2
For me it is free. Always has been.
+ 2
Especially newer users frequently report that there seems to be a daily limit of the "tap to try" feature in the courses. Older accounts largely still seem to have unlimited access to "tap to try". (Doesn't make sense to me...)
To my knowledge, there is no offical information about it from sololearn – actually, we don't know if it is a bug or a feature.
You can send a bug report to sololearn via in-app feedback function or email. Let us know what you find out about the issue!
+ 2
In my case im same with Paul! its alwaaays free for me but sometimes my connection is a bit laggy haha i don't know my acc is free or not bcs sometimes the pro banners popped out but sometimes i can take a course in "pro mode" idk why but i won't waste that opportunity
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