+ 1
Dark Mode in Desktop version
Hello Everybody, is there the oppurtunity to change in a dark modus in the sololearn desktop version. (With "dark mode" I mean the same style as in the app). Thank you for your help!
4 ответов
+ 4
Late response but this is more for all users inquiring about dark mode on desktop.
Dark Mode is "available" it's just not easy to get to.
I use Edge and have dark mode enabled.
However Sololearn overides dark mode. (so does the microsoft website..)
However that is not the end of the story.
There is a way to Force dark mode compliance by doing the following.
type this in the Address Bar (not the search bar)
Note: don't type the <>
Edge: ( Works on Windows and Linux versions of Edge, I don't have a mac so can't verify)
< edge://flags/#enable-force-dark >
This opens the Edge Flags page the first option will be Dark Mode you can then use the selection drop down menu to select < Enable >
You will then need to restart Edge.
much better
+ 3
I am not sure if you have that option on sololearn directly, but you can use a dark theme for the browser and see if it applies to sololearn web, too?
+ 2
David Lau
Dark Mode is not available on Sololearn website.
+ 1
Hey Michael, my brain and my eyes are thanking you so much!!!!!