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Longest Common String (Test Case #4)
I have done my code,but Test Case #4 failed.I can't find the bug, could you hepl me ? My code url: https://code.sololearn.com/cjl34y2071rd Task: Given multiple words, you need to find the longest string that is a substring of all words. Input Format: A string of words, separated by spaces. The string can also contain numbers. Output Format: A string, representing the longest common substring. If there are multiple longest common substrings, output the smallest one in alphabetical order. Sample Input: SoloLearn Learning LearningIsFun Learnable Sample Output: Learn
6 ответов
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1. Split string
2. Sort array
3. Sort array by length of the items in reverse order
4. Take the first one
Thank you for your help, it works when I used your suggestion. And I really want to know,why sort by length can pass the Test Case #4.Looking forward to your reply.
My solution od this task:
import re
from itertools import combinations
string = input().split(" ")
def common_string(string):
string_list = combinations(string, 2)
substring = []
for strings in string_list:
y = 0
z = 1
while z <= len(strings[0]) - 1:
if re.search(strings[0][y : z], strings[1]):
string = strings[0][y : z]
if z == len(strings[0]) - 1:
if re.search(strings[0][y :], strings[1]):
string = strings[0][y :]
z += 1
y = z - 1
z += 1
if len(set(substring)) == 1:
Hi guys, I have a similar issue.
# Check if the length of the result is greater than one or print the result
if len(commons) > 1:
commons = list(sorted(commons, key=str.lower))
commons = list(sorted(commons, key=len, reverse=True))
lens = [len(x) for x in commons]
maxlen = max(lens)
maxcount = lens.count(maxlen)
if maxcount > 1:
maxcoms = [x for x in commons if len(x) == maxlen]
maxcoms = list(sorted(maxcoms, key=str.lower))
Failing test case 4
# Grab input and split to list
str_input = input().split(" ")
def mutate(x):
Creates all possible permutations for a
given string.
start = 0
while start < len(x):
i = 0
end = 1
while i < len(x):
yield x[start:end]
end += 1
i += 1
start += 1
# List to hold all possible permutations
mutations = []
# Run generator function on all list elememts and append to mutations list
for i in str_input:
for j in mutate(i):
# List to hold common permutations
commons = []
# Find words that occur in each list item
for i in mutations:
common = set([x for x in str_input if(i in x)])
if len(common) == len(str_input):
# Check if the length of the result is greater than one or print the result
if len(commons) > 1:
commons = list(sorted(commons, key=str.lower))
commons = list(sorted(commons, key=len, reverse=True))